What We Do

Thick Roots, Strong Branches, New Leaves

Our Services

The resources you need to succeed.

We take a holistic approach to providing services and programming, meeting and serving people exactly where they are. Our Dynamic Needs Assessment™ (DNA) aids in ascertaining a more accurate assessment of needs, helping us to listen fully, understand deeply, look beneath the surface and provide the most appropriate services. 

By taking the time to get to know each and every individual who seeks our services, Higher Works ensures they receive the most effective services and feel the full benefits of truly comprehensive support. Explore breakdowns of our six areas of service below:

Building a life of learning

We offer a variety of educational programming for both personal and professional growth. Courses include life skills and life management planning, basic computer education, tutoring and mentoring for current students, financial basics and beyond.

Helping you get there.

Higher Works is proud to offer public transportation assistance and other transportation aid. Individuals receiving this service often use their transportation access to pursue or maintain employment, seek educational or professional opportunities, attend worship services or volunteer within the community.

Finding gainful, sustainable work.

In addition to helping individuals identify and apply to jobs, Higher Works also provides professional education and mentorship programming. Recent professional programming includes our Think Tank mentorship program for young African American men, our Women of Tomorrow program for young African American women, and our Project Redirection career development program.

Helping you lay lasting roots.

Higher Works provides housing search assistance for those experiencing housing instability and those in need of a more positive, sustainable living situation. We also offer educational programming for prospective renters and homeowners through our Housing 101 course, which focuses on the topics of renter/owner responsibility, budgeting basics, home maintenance skills and property research.

Holistic, whole-person support.

To truly live as your best self, it is important to take a mindful, intentional approach to self-care, health and wellness. As such, Higher Works offers a variety of programming designed to support and nurture the whole individual. These services include connecting individuals with affordable, accessible health services and mental health resources, creative introspective programming, and our Food Shelf for families experiencing food insecurity.

Enrichment & inspiration.

Access and exposure to the arts is vital not only to achieving a full, well-rounded life, but also to the creation of a strong, vibrant community. Higher Works has created programming that connects individuals of all ages with music, art, theater, dance, athletics, nature and more. Previous programming has included free or low-cost tickets to events, opportunities to submit artistic work to community projects, and free art courses and opportunities.

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