In the 2020-2021 school year, students and their families were subjected to a multitude of challenges that have affected the educational, family, and social lives due to challenges caused by Covid-19. Overworked parents, doing their best to aid and assist their children to further their education, fell under an increasing weight of pressure to remain successful and keep their children productive while at home. Higher Works Collaborative saw the gaps created by these challenges, and put together a strategy to reward students and their families for their hard work and surviving Covid-19. One of the events included a trip to the amusement park, Valley Fair, which provided an environment for natural, social, emotional support and family engagement that can only come from OUR community. While there, students and their families were able to experience Valley Fair for the first time, while furthering connections to not only each other but also the community while celebrating their achievements.
"Our holistic approach to providing services and programming was born out of the need to help people right where they are. We have found that if you asked the right questions, you can quickly find out more than just the basics."
– Alberts
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